Tuesday 7 December 2010

Thoughts provoked by Josie's Make Up Blog...

Well, I think makeup does improve the appearance of most people - if it's done right.  Including men.

Although it's true that when you see those pics of celebs with no make up on they often do look better.... maybe that's because they tend to be pretty anyway and so their natural beauty can shine through!

That's OK if you have natural beauty.  Actually that's something that all women have, and I suppose make up in its ideal form accentuates it rather than covers it up. 

Men tend to say they prefer women with less or no make up - I'm not sure they appreciate the artifice of it all in most cases.  It's a bit like when people say you should be 'real' and be 'yourself'.  What's so great about being 'yourself'?
Make up and clothes allow you to play different characters.

'Give a man a mask and he'll tell you the truth' Oscar Wilde said...

I feel a bit self-piteous having read Josie's blog because I would rather like someone to say I was beautiful without make up.  Becca says that of course - but I think it's in a 'why do you put all that crap on?' kind of way.  Kind of the way blokes say it really - not that Becca is butch because she's not - and she used to be a dedicated make up wearer herself so she's recanted the Holy ways of cosmetics and become all natural coz she's a gardener probably!

Anyway, I don't think I can possibly be beautiful without makeup because I look like a man.  I probably look like a man with it on too - just a man with make up on!!   Hence all the fuckwits who should 'tranny' at me constantly - they're saying that predominantly because they can see my face - and it's my face I cover up when I don't want people to shout at me.

A bit self piteous then but there's no point.  Fact is I have a male body and therefore a male face and that's that - no point crying about it (anymore).  And it's not quite as male these days because hormonally at least I am pretty much female now.

My face has changed a bit because of fat redistribution so I will look more female as I progress with HRT - so that's good.  I still rely on my make up though - although I can go to the shops without it.  But I feel rather uneasily 'male' if I do - at least appearance wise, not inside.

Make up for me makes me feel authentic - and I kind of feel I need it to be a woman.  Also there are issues with covering up my, thankfully small, amount of facial hair - which is rapidly decreasing these days. 

But on the whole I do need it to have my identity.  But, you know, as time goes by I think I might stop needing it.  Then it'll just be fun without dependency.  I'll wear make up because I want to.

I wonder how many other women wear make up for similar reasons?  Not because they look male - but to reinforce their identity.

Feel a bit emotional now.  Time to take my make up off anyway...

1 comment:

  1. oh :( i kind of thought you'd say something like that. it must be more than difficult when you know you're a woman inside but you have a male skin outside. not for ever though eh. and when we're old ladies & we're using a shovel to put orange war paint on and bright red lipstick and blue eyeshadow we'll look at pics of ourselves now & think ah how lovely we were & we didn't even realise. maybe. hopefully :)
