Tuesday 1 June 2010

If it makes you happy...

... it can't be that bad - if it makes you happy then why the hell are you so sad?

Wise words there from Sheryl Crow - a profound sentiment actually because there is so much which we believe will make us happy but which in fact ... doesn't.

There's barely anything I can think of which could make me happy unreservedly.  At the moment it seems as if the near and promised hormone treatment is the answer - and I'm sure it will make me happy.  But even then the effect will probably be less than I want - or too slow - or something else.

Or maybe - as often happens with happiness - I'll just get used to it, take it for granted and yearn for other changes.

Happiness is like that - it seems to me.  You can't plan it, you can't schedule it.  When it does happen you often don't even realise it - only afterwards does it become clear, in the memory.

That was what interested Proust so much - he believed all pleasures couldn't be experienced directly, but would rather be developed afterwards in the 'dark room' of the mind.  Makes a lot of sense.

He was in good company.  Questions of happiness have occupied thinkers and philosophers since the whole thing started - much more so than the spurious line of enquiry - 'what's the meaning of life?'.  Which is surely a theological question if anything.

Certainly happiness has crept up on me now and again, and I see those moments clearly now.  Walking to school when I'd just started my A-levels, just one morning, chasing Freddie in the turbine hall at Tate Modern, getting drunk with friends, slipping a dress over my head in the changing room and thinking, hotly, yes it fits - and I'm going to buy it!

Being, becoming, a woman has made me happy.  And sad.  Every step has made me positively, definitely happier.  But right now I'm sad.  And you can't help but think - if it makes you happy, why the hell are you so sad?

The answer is, I suppose, that happiness is hard won.  You have to squeeze it from a nettle.  It hurts to get happy.  And when it comes you don't realise it.  But then sometimes you do - and we live for those moments don't we?


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