Thursday 13 January 2011

The Mike Leigh Blog 10 - Happy Go Lucky

Happy-Go-Lucky (2008)

I've decided to try to finish this Mike Leigh blog thing because I am a completist.
Nearly there anyway...

Ah!  Happy-Go-Lucky!  I almost can't find the words with which to praise this film - I think I might just have to show my appreciation with some kind of dance.

It's about a woman called Poppy who is a primary school teacher. She has some driving lessons, her instructor is a bit of a weirdo, then she meets a bloke and, er, that's it.

Oh but there is so much more.

Poppy is an optimist.  Poppy is THE optimist - not at all cloying, the performance is not mannered or OTT, Sally Hawkins plays it straight down the line with honestly and realness.  I don't think I've ever fallen in love with a fictional character so instantly or deeply.  I defy you not to do the same.

The driving instructor, Scott, is the exact opposite -  a paranoid pessimist who is secret and closed to life.  The collision between the two of them is archetypal and intense.  It's a simple situation but it feels somehow epic in that car.

Eddie Marsan plays Scott - and his performance is equally immaculate.  It's terrifying and harrowing.  In a lesser film he would have been a serial killer - a much lesser film - there is nothing so banal here.  He is a real monster from a real street with a real life.

I watched this film for the first time when I was suffering from labyrinthitis - which seems quite appropriate really as it did make me pretty spiritually dizzy.

It's glorious.  See it.  See it.  See it.  See it.

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