Monday 20 September 2010


OK, I finally had my Decapeptyl injection this morning - in my slightly enlarged arse (I never used to have one - now, after three months of oestrogen I am rather proud of my booty development).

The needle was like the one pictured, so seeing the doctor lifting that up was rather worrying.  Actually it hurt a bit when it went in but the real problem comes when you stand up afterwards and find your leg has gone all wobbly.  It's like you fell on your arse basically, it feels all bruised and numb.

Anyway, this injection will now tell the bit of my brain that communicates with my...well.. testes that they are producing too much testosterone, when in fact they're producing the normal amount.  So my brain will shut them down and that will be that - my testosterone level will drop radically.  To normal female levels in fact.

But rather oddly the brain gets a bit confused when it first gets that signal and starts producing too much testosterone, so to combat this I have to take something called cyproterone for two weeks.  This does the same job of lowering the testosterone level but they don't use it long term as it can make you depressed and mad.

Because I will be having these injections every three months till I have surgery (the big surgery) that's it for testosterone, if all goes according to plan.  So that will mean the hair growth I experience, which has slowed down a bit already, will slow down much more.  I am hugely looking forward to that.

Years of aggressive waxing have left my legs marked and not looking very good.  At first the itchy growth back was unbearable - now this should be helped as the hair will find it harder to come back.  Also on my face it will slow down, so I'll get even more benefit from my electrolysis.

I may go a bit doo-lally because my body now has to get used to an entirely new sex hormone regime after twenty plus years of testosterone only.  So I expect all the mood swings and tearful stuff to kick in now - although you just don't know till you get there.

They seemed rather surprised at the clinic that I was getting some boob development on the low dose of oestrogen I was on.  Now that has doubled I should find things get even more exciting - hopefully.  I can see a difference every day - and my weight is creeping up gradually to the ten stone mark.  GRADUALLY.

So, here we go.  Let's see what life is like without that pesky male sex hormone...

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